Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Knitting!

I have been obsessed with teaching myself to knit recently. I had learned a few years ago, but got discouraged when I wasn't getting very far and kind of gave up. One of my new friends is an amazing knitter, and she has inspired me to dive right in again! So, knowing basic stitches and having more free time that before, I have picked out a pattern inspired by this gorgeous cowl neck made by Burberry. Of course, it is $750, so I will be saving quite a lot by making it myself!

My friend introduced me to, which is an amazing knitting website for any of you knitters out there. There are forums, patterns, yarns, discussions, groups, anything you could wish for from a knitting website. On ravelry I found someone who had already recreated this cowl neck, and had a pretty easy to follow pattern. This is her rendition:

So off I went to the Sow's Ear, which is an awsome cafe and knitting shop in Verona, WI. I found the most beautiful, amazing, luxurious yarn I have ever laid hands on! It is called Soft Chunky and is made by Twinkle. I picked a rosey-peachy color that will look just fab with my new taupe pea coat.

I will be sure to keep you guys updated about my progress, hopefully I will finish a whole prject this time, and since I love what I have picked out so much I cannot see anything but success in my future!